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Disc Eject For Mac

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  1. Apple Eject Cd Command
  2. Eject Disc Mac Mini

Safely Ejecting When Not Using. The best method to avoid unexpected ejections is safely ejecting the drive when you are done using it. Use one of the methods listed below to eject an external drive: On the desktop right-click the drive then choose Eject 'Drive Name'.


New member
  • The 7 Most Common Ways to Eject a CD or DVD. The Mac, unlike most Windows PCs, doesn't have.
  • Wait a few seconds for the disk to disappear from the desktop and remove your disk. From the keyboard: If you have a Mac with an optical (CD or DVD) drive, you can easily eject CDs or DVDs: Simply.
  • Right-click desktop icon. Any external volume connected to your Mac shows up on your desktop.
  • 3.Click on 'Eject Disc' and the disc will be ejected successfully. Without disconnecting the drive, the eject disc function of Macgo software is much more convenience than using Mac system or the Eject button on the drive. You can see the picture below as a reference.

Apple Eject Cd Command

I have a Intel Mac Mini
I tried loading up a program CD.It wouldn't load now it won't eject.
i've tried everything in the help menu for eject disc
I've tried hold down:
mouse button
3.hold down F12 key>util>terminal
type command> drutil eject....doesn't work
5.typecommand> drutil list
gave me the list but command> eject ......didn't work
now typing drutil list doesn't give me even the list anymore...???
6.Finder>file>eject> (grayed out)
Disk utility Cd rom isn't present
7.System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras and double-clicking the file ''....nothing
as far as I can tell Mm doesn't recog CD at all.It spins on start up then stops
out of ideas and growing tired of searching .....
Eject disc macbook air

Apple Eject Cd Command

I have a Intel Mac Mini
I tried loading up a program CD.It wouldn't load now it won't eject.
i've tried everything in the help menu for eject disc
I've tried hold down:
mouse button
3.hold down F12 key>util>terminal
type command> drutil eject....doesn't work
5.typecommand> drutil list
gave me the list but command> eject ......didn't work
now typing drutil list doesn't give me even the list anymore...???
6.Finder>file>eject> (grayed out)
Disk utility Cd rom isn't present
7.System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras and double-clicking the file ''....nothing
as far as I can tell Mm doesn't recog CD at all.It spins on start up then stops
out of ideas and growing tired of searching .....


Eject Disc Mac Mini

I cant get snow leopard disc to eject or restart the computer from the old tiger running system.
I first tried to re-instal tiger 10.4.11 with a 10.4.8 disc (from my macbook pro)and it said it cant be installed on this computer. (imac)
I then tried installing snow leopard and got the same 'cant be installed on this computer' message.
Since then iv only done a quick clean of the D drive (via the snow leopard disc) and now I cant get the disc out at all. It gives me no option to eject it and only gives me an option to restart the computer from the disc or through time machine, and not tiger (the original running system).
At this stage I only want to get the disc out and run the computer as it was.
But, I was thinking since I have a macbook pro running tiger 10.4.8 is there a way I can reinstal 10.4.8 from my macbook through time machine onto my descktop imac core 2 duo so that also runs a fresh copy of 10.4.8 and then I can update it to 10.4.11 via online download.
I dont know what to do but the purpose of the reinstal was to get my imac to detect my mobile internet usb stick it stopped detecting. I managed to get a full instal disc of snow leopard (not the update) and have the full instal disc from the Macbook Pro (10.4.8), im happy just to go back to the origanal Tiger if possible, but for now i really need this disc out so i can do some work on the imac.
If anyone can help that would be great.
Cheers, George

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